Can I make a very cool and advanced game only with Blueprints?

Can I make a powerfull and advanced ( complex ) game only with blueprints?!

Yes you can (almost). There are only two reasons for using C++.
The first is performance. Sometimes very time critical pieces of code need to be written in C++
The second is that there are still a few areas where the blueprint functionality is not fully available. For example some bits Epic Online Services. However often you can find a marketplace plugin that does this for you.

My advice - built it all in blueprints which is a lot easier and will give you a higher quality to your code and only consider c++ if you discover a problem.


Can I make a powerfull and advanced ( complex ) game only with blueprints?!

This question is extremely difficult to answer, because it is not clear what kind of games you mean, there are no examples.
Blueprints have slightly fewer functions and are slightly slower than written C++ code. If you don’t have a game like Lineage 2, WoW, an online multiplayer project for millions of people who generate incredible data every second… you can easily build your project using blueprints.

C++ vs. Blueprint

Depends on how powerful and advanced/complex your game is. Small multiplayer and singleplayer games work well with blueprints. C++ can be used for all but really shows its strength for networking and large multiplayer games.

What kind of game are we talking? Number of players, size of world, graphics level(poly to stylized to photorealistic), and how many gameplay systems?

Also the game will be a singleplayer story game ( story games: spiderman, horizon zero dawn)

the map will be like the fortnite map ( size or a lil bigger ) and it is photorealistic ( like marvels spiderman ) waht is a gameplay system?

@Light_Shock @Triv1


A singleplayer story game should be fine with blueprints. Open world can get pretty taxing once it gets too large but I am not sure about the limitations of the new UE5 open world system, world partition. So far in my experience it works quite well. Photorealism will work fine too.

Gameplay system is a framework of code that handles a part of the gameplay. For example a scoreboard system for 5v5 Multiplayer FPS is a gameplay system. A system that handles equipment and inventory for the player is a gameplay system.

If you are new to programming and game development I would suggest learning blueprints first, and if you like it start diving into C++.

Can you be my c++ blueprints guy in my team for free pls xD?!

Can it be done? Yes. Should you? No.
Some comparison examples from my own documentation:

1. Blueprints have limited access to anything written in c++, this is also true the other way around.
2. Blueprint maintenance can not be done with quick text operations as you are forced to work with nodes and editor panels.
3. A large Blueprints system takes time to convert to c++.
4. c++ file changes are tiny, can easily be compared, logged, merged and restored through version control. With Blueprints this is not the case as they are binary files.
5. Blueprint files can corrupt easily.
6. Large Blueprints, often the case with animation Blueprints save and compile very slowly.
7. Working with structs is easier in c++, as you have more control over its properties and default values. Through meta tags you can also specify property limits for Blueprints like min / max values and modifiability.
8. Blueprints do not show protected properties on the MyBlueprint tab.
9. Blueprints sometimes require a large amount of nodes which would be a oneliner in c++.
10. In Blueprints, distinguishing class members from local variables in the node system can be confusing. I personally store any Blueprint function parameter as local variable, suffixed with underscore to keep my sanity, but this is not required at all when working in c++ with visual studio.