Hi, In the picture provided, You can see the 2nd half of the bridge hasn’t rendered properly. Along with the top left bridge and the rocks in the distance. The walls in the rooms also don’t render properly until I am right up looking at them.
Can anyone tell me how to fix this? It happens when playing the game, which I would very much like to avoid. Also if there is a fix to it.
could be a lod issue. at least thats where i would start. basically you should just need to open the meshes themselves and check what the lod settings are set to. or you could try disabling lod altogether to see if it helps then work back to solve the issue from there.
if i remember right when you select the mesh in the level and go to the details panel there should be a option thats something like force lod. its not exactly a disable but more like it forces it to only use one level of lod. of course that may not be the issue at all.
Looks like LOD (Level of Distance) to me, too. Open up the mesh(es) in the content browser, then either scroll down to the LOD section or type “LOD” in the search at the top.
(Possible guess: edge loops are weird, so it thinks one row of vertices on one side of the mesh should be removed at this distance, thereby removing an entire edge?)
There’s an LOD picker in the mesh editor where you can check the distances. Are there entries in there? Check them, I’ll bet one of them is doing this. You can then try making your own level of distance settings, or try the auto-LOD settings under “LOD Group”. I would think “Level Architecture” would work but you’ll have to test.