Camera switching

I have a blueprint called BP_NPC_Shop_Building, within this I have an event interact which utilises a blueprint interface to capture the pressing of the ‘E’ key on the keyboard.

What I would like to happen when the player presses E is switch the player camera from the Third Person Player camera to another camera that exists in a seperate blueprint called BP_NPC_Shop. To achieve this I used Set View Target with Blend. The problem is that when I press E when I test my game, the camera switches to a first person view on the third person chacter instead of my BP_NPC_Shop camera.

You’ll see I’ve added a variable of NPC Shop which is an object reference to BP_NPC_Shop, this is my target camera. From what I understand the Set View Target with Blend looks through the blueprint until it finds a camera and then pilots it.

This is the NPC Shop which has the camera I need to use. Despite using the same mesh this is not the third person character blueprint :slight_smile:

I previously had this working in the level blueprint but that didn’t seem the right place for it to live so I moved it and now I’m faced with camera issues. Does anyone know why this is behaving this way or have I missed something?