Camera Movement

I can get my camera to move up and back down; right to back to left (reversing), but I’m having issue with going up then right (non-reversing direction), or up then left with my camera.

How do you get the camera actor to recognized new location so it can go in a new direction instead of just reversing? I hope that make sense.

Hi man ,
you dont have to use that sistem.

When you click go right , you want to move the camera to X,X,+30 , and to left X.X.-30
up and down is X,+30,X , and down is X,-3,X

As you can see i just want to add to the camera rotation something on one axis.

So ON click Up
add Actor relative rotation (0,+30,0 )
do this for all the direction + and - , and you will be able to rotate your camera ,
you need a continue movement and not a “Step”
you have to use ONCLICK to set a boolean like … onclick Right …var bool Right =1 , and on release =0
Then in the tick event ,
make some if, and check every boolean, if it is 0 does nothing otherwise add a specific local rotation.

if you release all button , all boolean should be 0
and the camera should stop rotationg