Hey there!
I switched from Unity to Uneal Engine just over two weeks ago and I try to port my game afap. I’m currently in the process of finishing my navigation hud elements like on-screen markers, radar (compass bar), world and mini map and I came across a weird behaviour which I am sure is a result of me overlooking something.
I grab the camera orientation to calculate the relative position of the POIs on the radar. If the character is not lined up with the current camera view and is moved in camera direction, I get an orientation which is off a few degrees for one or two ticks/frames before getting back to the correct heading. This causes the content of the radar to jump back and forth.
I was able to reproduce this situation with the basic thrid person template and a short blueprint snippet on the character.
This is the addition to the character I made to debug this behaviour.
In both screenshots, the heading is the same … sorry that I wasn’t able to capture the exact moment when the spike in the value happened.
What can I do to prevent this?
Thank you for your help!