Calling to Booleans BETWEEN levels question >>

Hi everyone,

I have a character who will decide to pick things up in the game and carry it with him in the levels ahead of him.
Just wondering how I can spawn the third person character with or without the pickup depending on what the
player decided to do, pick it up or not.
In other words when the next level loads, the player character has the pickup on him or not
depending what the player decided to do in the previous level.
I suspect I should probably do this with a true or false Boolean but I have no idea how to call to that between levels.
If someone can drop me a hint thank you !!!

Take a look here Passing Variables Between Levels? - Blueprint Visual Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums

Alternatively look here for a detailed guide A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements and Releases - Unreal Engine Forums

Basically you need a GameInstance where you save those things. These are specifically designed to be shared between levels without losing or resetting the variables/settings you performed.

O.k. great thank you I will look at that :slight_smile: