C++ Camera Shake not playing

I’ve recently attempted to put in a camera shake while my character is walking. Nothing seems to be happening. The code is run but I’m not seeing anything on screen when testing. Any had any similar problems? Nothing is null, and every appears to be in order. I’ve set the camera shake on my character blueprint to the one I created.

		if ( playerController && isCameraShakeActive == false )
			playerController->ClientPlayCameraShake( player.GetCameraShake()->GetClass(), 1.0 );
			isCameraShakeActive = true;

	FORCEINLINE UCameraShake* GetCameraShake() const { return walkCameraShake.GetDefaultObject(); }

	UPROPERTY( EditDefaultsOnly, Category = Effects )
	TSubclassOf<UCameraShake> walkCameraShake;

Just pass the UCameraShake to the method, you don’t need to get the CDO or Class object:

playerController->ClientPlayCameraShake( player.walkCameraShake );

FORCEINLINE const TSubclassOf& GetCameraShake() const { return walkCameraShake; }

Calling this function call and passing into ClientPlayCameraShake. Still not seeing any results sadly.

Did some prototyping in blueprint, turns out the duration variable set at “-1” didn’t get proper results. Set it to 0.1 and saw visible shakes as a starting point.