after updating from UE4 to UE 5.1 everytime i rebuild lights all my imported objects (blueprints/actors/meshes) just disappear. I have to restart unreal (or move the object and undo ctr+z/change something in the object) and it appears again. Even if i import new FBX it shows as invisible.
When i hit PLAY everything is OK and visible. But when i go back to editor, the map is nearly empty. Only brushes/meshes made from brushes stay in scene. I guess this is a bug and not a feature.
Thank you very much for fixing this as it makes my project unusable.
This is because you have “world partition” enabled in your level. It loads models on demand when they are close to the player (for large worlds). You can pin a grey actor to force it to load in the editor.
Not sure if it can be turned off once it is enabled. It is on a per level basis.
Hello, thank you for your reply. I dont think i have World Partition enabled. In World settings there is World partition and None option next to it. Also it only happens when i rebuild lighting. My camera is next to the objects and they are still invisible
Are you spawning anything on begin play in that case? (the missing mesh).
The meshes seem to be actors and not pure static meshes so they have internal logic that may be driving the visibility.
Nope. It is only blueprint that contains two static meshes imported from blender. Nothing more. Appreciate your tips. What is strange that after rebuilding and hitting play it instantly says that it needs to rebuild lighting again
Could be due to mobility settings on your mesh. Seems some parts are probably set to static and if they appear and disappear (are created and destroyed) they probably mess up the baked lighting.
Today i created a new project and migrated the level to it. Build light again breaks the editor and objects disappear. Even new imported FBX from blender is invisible in level