BUG: Opening a skeletal mesh with forward rendering enabled causes editor crash


I couldn’t see where to file a bug report, sorry. I’ve submitted the backtrace through the editor UI and crash a few times, so you should have that.

As far as repro steps, it seems to be

  1. Import a skeletal mesh asset
  2. Set renderer to use forward shading
  3. Restart editor
  4. double click skeletal mesh asset to open editor
  5. Watch it crash :slight_smile:

If you need something further to help with repro, let me know. This was from an fbx asset exported from Houdini 16.0.600, incase that’s relevant to getting repro.



Report it here: https://answers.unrealengine.com , setting the section to post in to Bug Reports. There’s no guarantee it will get looked at here. For the record I didn’t crash with a skeletal mesh exported from Blender.