Is this an issue for anyone else or am I missing something? I create a new Blueprint Class “LyraCharacter”. Go to the Mesh of the blueprint and add SKM Manny and ABP_MannequinBase as the animation blueprint. All that happens is the legs squat down a little bit.
Hi there, you want to use ABP_Mannequin_CopyPose instead. ABP_MannequinBase is used by the invisible mesh to drive animations of any comestic actors compatible with Manny’s skeleton, while ABP_Mannequin_Retarget is used for the legacy UE4 skeletons or any other custom skeleton.
Not sure if I understood correctly. If you want to play Lyra, you don’t do this way, as you want to create a character derived from the ‘Lyra Tagged Actor’ class and assigned it to B_Pick Random Character.