[Bug] Naming Materials

Few bugs to report

When creating a new material inside a folder, and naming it, if you have a file with the same name in that folder, it does the following:

shows the red error “There is already a file named that”

Automatically the naming process, not letting me try to name it another file, and names it “NewMaterial”

Second bug -

While I was naming a Material, I accidentally made a character uppercase rather than lowercase. Like so-

Initially named it “MatRock6SNow”

Tried to rename it to “MatRock6Snow”

It won’t rename it, probably doesn’t recognize it as a new name, and just sets it to the original.

So It names it “MatRock6SNow” again.

Thanks for the amazing engine, and have a great day :smiley:

The renaming bug is already being addressed by Epic


I am glad you are enjoying the UE4 engine, me too!!



Thanks :3 just reporting anything I see. Have a great night :3