[BUG] Load errors of 4.8 project when opening in 4.9

I had to switch to 4.9 to use some of the new spline component features. Everything went well except I get these Load Errors when open project:

Error ActiveClassRedirects contains a collision with multiple redirectors for old class named ESlateCheckBoxState Error ActiveClassRedirects contains a collision with multiple redirectors for old class named AnimNode_SkeletalControlBase Error ActiveClassRedirects contains a collision with multiple redirectors for old class named AnimNode_TwoBoneIK Error ActiveClassRedirects contains a collision with multiple redirectors for old class named AnimNode_RotationMultiplier Error ActiveClassRedirects contains a collision with multiple redirectors for old class named AnimNode_ModifyBone Error ActiveClassRedirects contains a collision with multiple redirectors for old class named AnimNode_CopyBone Error ActiveClassRedirects contains a collision with multiple redirectors for old class named AnimNode_SpringBone

I wasn’t able to package project until I’ve deleted all animation blueprints. But even after deleting them still get this error when open project.

this helps: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/281819/how-to-solve-activeclassredirects-error.html

Thank you !
Unfortunately, from what I read, Epic stuff didn’t confirmed if that’s the right way to fix it. I’m not sure what kind of implication it can have.

Hi ,

This was confirmed on another post as the correct method to use. We are looking into what happened and we are attempting to address the error. More information can be found here:

Thank you, ! I’ll follow that answer then.