Bug: FSlateBatchData::MergeRenderBatches

This function, when merging batch indices, uses local TArray declared as

TArray<TPair<int32, int32>, TInlineAllocator<100, TMemStackAllocator<>>>

However, if the secondary allocator (TMemStackAllocator) is used the code stops at checkSlow inside FMemStackBase::Alloc().

Reason: Stack allocation requires user to use FMemMark first (as it happens on many places in UE4 code)

Fix: Create FMemMark before TArray in the code.

你好,请问能不能发表一篇文章专门针对于UAnimInstance的讲解以及FAnimInstanceProxy的内容,我就是你说的那些 需要自定义编辑动画在c++中的程序员,以及绑定动画节点的问题,不胜感激。谢谢