Build info
Version: 1945001
Install Path: C:/Program Files/Rocket
OS: Windows 7
RAM: 64 GB
Graphics Card: GTX 760 w/ 4 GB
UAC: Off
Repro Steps
- Create animation blueprint.
- Add two biped based animations. They should both have the characters arms pointing forward, but have a different animation lengths etc.
- Blend the two animations together with an alpha of 0.5.
For a more obvious result, set the rate scale of both animations to 0.0.
Blend changes slightly depending on direction you face.
Blend is the same no matter what direction you face.
On FTP dropbox: /ChrisRigby/chris rigby - animation blending bug.mp4
Hi Chris,
I’m going to be looking into this issue, but it looks like (due to the delay) your video has been wiped from the FTP. It would be great if you would be able to upload it again, so that I can compare with your results.
Not a problem.
Its up there again, same location.
FTP dropbox: /ChrisRigby/chris rigby - animation blending bug.mp4
Hi Chris,
I tested this by making custom assets (basic arms with walk and run animations), creating an AnimBP just like you have it, and swapping out the mesh in the MyCharacter blueprint in the FirstPerson Blueprint template project. Then I attached a mesh to a hand socket, and I was not able to reproduce this issue. My gun remained in the same position as I rotated.
Are you able to provide any content (preferably simple test assets) that I could use to reproduce this issue?
I’ll see about getting that together for you shortly, either just the files or whole project, ready to go.