BP nodes disconnect themselves when opening project

Hi guys,

asked me to report to you when disconnecting nodes issue comes up again ( InternalCompilerError - Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums ). Well, here we go! :wink:

Version: 4.5.0
In first screenshot, Iā€™m using a struct to put together several parameters to form a weapon. This works fine in-game, until I close project and re-open it. It seems that the ā€œprojectilesā€ array that I use breaks somehow (see tooltip in pic) so that it canā€™t connect to loop anymore, which still expects an array of type ā€œProjectileā€.

I can, however, delete all affected nodes and re-insert them and project works again (instead of crashing with an InternalCompilerError like in 4.4), but on next editor startup, it happens again.

There is also a second error caused by re-opening editor, which I can make absolutely no sense of. It looks like this.

As always: In case I can help solving case by providing any additional information (including log or project files), please do tell me!

Thanks in advance!

For second one try put ā€˜Cast to Actor Classā€™ in between class and Spawn Actor.

Hey S-ed, thanks! I got it to work in a slightly different way, but thanks to your hint!

second error is now gone, but first one still remains. Any suggestions from staff?

Hey Artax,

Sorry I missed this post. Is this still occurring in 4.5.1?

Hi ,

never mind. Yes, issue still persists.

Itā€™s likely a cyclical dependency issue. engine handles those better in 4.5 than it used to, but developers are still working to make it catch all of them and this may be an instance where it does not. You may need to find source of cycle and make some adjustments.

Are you able to reproduce this in a new project? Have you tried recreating problem BP, and if so did it cause same issue on restarting?

Hey Artax,

I havenā€™t heard back from you in a while, so Iā€™m marking this post as resolved for tracking purposes. When you get a chance to attempt reproducing this in a new project or recreating BP in your current project, please let me know results and we will continue investigation. Thanks!