I have a really annoying issue. My project keeps crashing after launching it. After a few days of using old backups and losing progress I figured out that the cause of the crash is a corrupted BP. I get no errors in the editor or in the suspected BP. I found that one BP got corrupted after just attaching a cast to (another actor) node. Then it also corrupted after trying the same thing in another BP. Now my project is crashing again and I have no idea why it’s happening. It just corrupted my character BP, which has a lot of “unsaved” progress. As “unsaved” I mean not saved without BP being corrupted. I still have my latest version opened as a project, but I can’t close it at the moment as i know opening it again will be impossible. I really need help to find out the reason for why these BPs are getting corrupted and fix it. Thank you.
I also sent a report from the crash reporter, MachineId: 2A82400B4DB1DA9CF41802A18A7A502A.
Log and dxdiag txt files are in attachments.
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Hey -
What is the corrupted blueprint doing? Can you provide a screenshot of your blueprint setup? Where are you adding the cast node prior to the crash occurring (construction script, BeginPlay, Tick, etc)? Looking at the crash information you submitted, there appears to be an access violation when GetName is called at some point. This likely means that whatever you are attempting to get the name of is not set or a null pointer. Let me know if you can provide any information to help me test the issue on my end.
I added a lot of functions and some basic event nodes to my character since my latest “save without crash” so It’s difficult to tell. But one way to corrupt another BP is: In my Weapon Projectile BP I do this.
If you want to test it out yourself. My project files: Uploaded here as a zip (not sure if best place to upload) -removed-
Okay, found something else that is corrupting BPs in my project. If I add a variable in my Character and set its type to any BP reference, the BP i created the variable in gets corrupted?! Whaaaaaat is wrong with my project :(?!
I believe I tracked the crash to the child component set to Weapon in the character blueprint. I first found that the crash itself occurs when adding the Cast to BasicAI node with or without connecting it to anything. However further testing found that by setting the child component back to None prevented the crash from happening. This sounds like it is the same issue reported here (which is fixed for 4.15): Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-39323) .
That does seem to be the issue! Thank you!!!
I am having a very similar issue where one of my blueprints corrupts upon project reopen if I add any reference to certain other blueprints. I checked that link, but it just tells me “Unknown Issue”. Any way I can get the details of the bug?
Hey! Try this link: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-39323)
If this doesn’t work, go to issues and search for UE-39323.
Has there been any news on when 4.15 will be released, kinda at a standstill on part of my project till i get this working.
Hey skealeye-
We are aiming at the 4.15 release being available around February, however the 4.15 branch available on GitHub should contain this fix. If you do decide to use the 4.15 branch, I would suggest creating a copy of your project to work in as other changes and updates will go into the branch prior to the final 4.15 release.