BP_FirstPersonCharacter not referenceable after kill

I have been following many tutorials and all of them wants you to create most variables and function inside BP_FirstPersonCharacter. Now I’ve created a HUD which casts to that BP to get information such as stamina, batteries and other information.

But I realised just now, that all I need to do is to jump over the edge and kill player and none of that information is accessible anymore?

I have not changed anything of the base of the FirstPerson template in Unreal. So, my question I think is this: what are my next steps now? How do I make sure that information from BP_FirstPersonCharacter is still available even if player dies?

Complete noob here, so, sorry for what probably is a very basic question!

how are you killing the player, if you’re doing it by destroying the actor the you’re obviously gonna have this problem

I haven’t attached any kind of destroy actor, this is the basic FPS template in Unreal.
I walk off the map, and then these errors pop up.

I’m assuming that there is a destroy actor somewhere though. So what would be the best way to go about it; find it and just remove it?

completely forgot about this thread but when youre in the world settings youll see something called KillZ this is basiaclly when your player is less then that Z value it destroys any actors you probs need to just adjust that