BP Compile Error on Standalone but not Editor

I seems to be encountering Blueprint compile error when I’m running the StandAlone game using -game.

However, there seems to be no error on the BP when using the Editor or when running PIE.

I’m not particularly clear why is this happening. Any guidance would be appreciated.
Anyhow logs are attached.

link text

It seems to NOT recognized by functions from C++

[2014.10.18-10.21.42:032][  0]LogBlueprint:Warning: [compiler] Warning Unable to find function with name 'AiSupressionNotify' for  AiSupressionNotify 
[2014.10.18-10.21.42:033][  0]LogBlueprint:Error: [compiler] Error Function 'AiSupressionNotify' called from  AiSupressionNotify  should not be called from a Blueprint
[2014.10.18-10.21.42:034][  0]LogBlueprint:Error: [compiler] Error Pin  SuppHP  named SuppHP doesn't match any parameters of function AiSupressionNotify
[2014.10.18-10.21.42:034][  0]LogBlueprint:Warning: [compiler] Warning [0006.88] Compile of BP_BaseInfantry failed. 2 Fatal Issue(s) 1 Warning(s) [in 2 ms]
[2014.10.18-10.21.42:217][  0]LogBlueprint:Error: [compiler] Error The type of  TargetArray  is undetermined.  Connect something to  Length  to imply a specific type.
[2014.10.18-10.21.42:218][  0]LogBlueprint:Error: [compiler] Error Default value '' for  TargetArray  is invalid: 'Literal values are not allowed for array parameters.  Use a Make Array node instead'

I have a similar problem. In Standalone, I get warnings that a certain event cannot be found, but there doesn’t seem to be any issues in PIE / Editor.
Has there been any new info on this problem?

I’m having a similar issue too. To reiterate nihonnik’s question has there been any further info yet?