Blueprints editing getting slow with more content added

Hi there,

I have done a usermenu in an actor blueprint class. Now BP has maybe 40 static meshes for text. Each mesh has maybe 1 to 2000 polys. As i go on and add functionallity to Buttons (collision Boxes over meshes), BP editor is getting slower and slower. I have feeling, more i add, more slower it gets. Placing a node takes a second or two or somethings a little more. I have impression, after placing a node, whole script is getting refreshed. Is that so? Can i disable that? I’m now on a point, where editing is getting really annoying. Would be nice if someone would know reason or have a solution. Thanks

Got this too in my HUD a while ago. Splitting up most of BP in many small functions solved it.
Just like you would do in c++, just split your code into multiple functions.

If you have already done this, than i don’t know by now how to fix it :confused:

As eXi mentions, better management of your BP will help with editor performance. As your Blueprints get more complex and have more and more nodes, it can eventually bog down. There’s some good information from Noland about managing your BP size here:

This is all dependent on hardware, as well, but more complex BPs can slow down your editor. developers are working to improve Blueprint performance, but there is always a limit and you do need to pay attention to how you structure your BP graphs.

Hope that helps!

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Thanks for your suggestions, i will check this out!