We are a group of various talents, currently making our first game :http://divine-warfare.com/en/pages/features/
It’s an MMORPG focused on FreeToPlay. We all get paid IF and WHEN the game makes money. We do NOT ask for your money or personal info!
We also have a mini side-project in the works, most likely a TowerDefence minigame for ios/Android that will be tied to the PC game. Estimated time 4-5 weeks.
The plan is to have players gain XP in the minigame that will transfer over to the main game.
We are in need of someone that can work with blueprints. If you are willing to learn and grow with us you are welcome to apply:)
At first we will be needing you for the minigame and then for the original.
For questions and applications please email at : tzimiadis@gmail.com
Thank you for your time:)