Blueprint : Set Transform

When I put set spawnTransform I do not get the blue target node. I only get White arrows and orange nodes.

I am going to assume you are talking about the output of your Set SpawnTransform node.

  • This is intended behavior. You are SETTING that particular variable in your GameMode.
  • The target on the left side is representing your gamemode, it’s pretty much a reference to that.
  • If you wish to have that reference and use it later, you can promote that variable by just right clicking on it
  • If you meant “target” as like an actual actor target or something like that, then you are doing something wrong.
  • But if you are using this particular Actor BP to set the Spawn Point for your characters, then okay. There’s nothing else you need to do.

Maybe a bit more explanation on what you are trying to do would help me understand this better.

I am just following the book I guess its bad book.