Blueprint object snapping in world

So I have an idea for a project, basically, the procedural level creation like a lot of people are doing and I’m thinking of trying something where you can place like a new gizmo in a location in the world (via the blueprint itself, just adding something to a list for example) and this will dictate where a specified room would be generated.

What I want to be able to do to make things work nice is be able to have the added gizmo snap in the world.

The basic steps to using (as far as I’ve got in my list of things I want to do) would be:
Drop blue print in world
Define width and length of the level (64x64 tiles for example)
–This would then generate just the outter walls of the level to let you see how big it is
Add room to level, new gizmo appears that you can place somewhere in the level. This would make it so you can define say a 5x5 room or whatever configuration you want (to a point) at a specific spot (so you could say make a treasure room in one back corner and know it will be there on a given level.

Because of the adding into the world I just think it would be handy if you could put the gizmo like on the center of say tile 50x 40y and have it snapped to the middle so you can then say it’s a 5x5 room or something…

Is it possible or do I just have to work with the “grid snapping” kinda set up like in UDK?

All I need is a this is possible or this is not possible…at least…