I am sure there is an easy fix for this…but for the love of all that is Google I cannot find it…I created a BP Interface Created a bunch of functions…Set those functions to Floats…
Went to KralisCharacter_Master Implemented the Interaface…and I get the following errors…Now I am a kid playing around with dynamite here…so I am not sure what I blew up here…lol
Error Interface name collision in blueprint: Blueprint /Game/KralisCharacterBluePrints/KralisCharacter_Master.KralisCharacter_Master, interface: BlueprintGeneratedClass /Game/KralisCharacterBluePrints/KralisCharacter_Interface.KralisCharacter_Interface_C, name: AgiMod
Error Interface name collision in blueprint: Blueprint /Game/KralisCharacterBluePrints/KralisCharacter_Master.KralisCharacter_Master, interface: BlueprintGeneratedClass /Game/KralisCharacterBluePrints/KralisCharacter_Interface.KralisCharacter_Interface_C, name: StaMod
Error Interface name collision in blueprint: Blueprint /Game/KralisCharacterBluePrints/KralisCharacter_Master.KralisCharacter_Master, interface: BlueprintGeneratedClass /Game/KralisCharacterBluePrints/KralisCharacter_Interface.KralisCharacter_Interface_C, name: Charisma
Error Interface name collision in blueprint: Blueprint /Game/KralisCharacterBluePrints/KralisCharacter_Master.KralisCharacter_Master, interface: BlueprintGeneratedClass /Game/KralisCharacterBluePrints/KralisCharacter_Interface.KralisCharacter_Interface_C, name: Willpower
Error Interface name collision in blueprint: Blueprint /Game/KralisCharacterBluePrints/KralisCharacter_Master.KralisCharacter_Master, interface: BlueprintGeneratedClass /Game/KralisCharacterBluePrints/KralisCharacter_Interface.KralisCharacter_Interface_C, name: Wits
Error Interface name collision in blueprint: Blueprint /Game/KralisCharacterBluePrints/KralisCharacter_Master.KralisCharacter_Master, interface: BlueprintGeneratedClass /Game/KralisCharacterBluePrints/KralisCharacter_Interface.KralisCharacter_Interface_C, name: Intelligence
Error Interface name collision in blueprint: Blueprint /Game/KralisCharacterBluePrints/KralisCharacter_Master.KralisCharacter_Master, interface: BlueprintGeneratedClass /Game/KralisCharacterBluePrints/KralisCharacter_Interface.KralisCharacter_Interface_C, name: Perception
Error Interface name collision in blueprint: Blueprint /Game/KralisCharacterBluePrints/KralisCharacter_Master.KralisCharacter_Master, interface: BlueprintGeneratedClass /Game/KralisCharacterBluePrints/KralisCharacter_Interface.KralisCharacter_Interface_C, name: Agility
Error Interface name collision in blueprint: Blueprint /Game/KralisCharacterBluePrints/KralisCharacter_Master.KralisCharacter_Master, interface: BlueprintGeneratedClass /Game/KralisCharacterBluePrints/KralisCharacter_Interface.KralisCharacter_Interface_C, name: Stamina
Error Default value ‘’ for Base Armor Points is invalid: ‘Literal values are not allowed for array parameters. Use a Make Array node instead’
Error Default value ‘’ for Current Armor Points is invalid: ‘Literal values are not allowed for array parameters. Use a Make Array node instead’
Error Default value ‘’ for Base Cha Mod is invalid: ‘Literal values are not allowed for array parameters. Use a Make Array node instead’
Error Default value ‘’ for Current Wits Mod is invalid: ‘Literal values are not allowed for array parameters. Use a Make Array node instead’
Error Default value ‘’ for Base Will Mod is invalid: ‘Literal values are not allowed for array parameters. Use a Make Array node instead’
Error Default value ‘’ for Current Wits Mod is invalid: ‘Literal values are not allowed for array parameters. Use a Make Array node instead’
Error Default value ‘’ for Base Wits Mod is invalid: ‘Literal values are not allowed for array parameters. Use a Make Array node instead’
Error Default value ‘’ for Current Wits Mod is invalid: ‘Literal values are not allowed for array parameters. Use a Make Array node instead’
Error Default value ‘’ for Base Int Mod is invalid: ‘Literal values are not allowed for array parameters. Use a Make Array node instead’
Error Default value ‘’ for Current Int Mod is invalid: ‘Literal values are not allowed for array parameters. Use a Make Array node instead’
Error Default value ‘’ for Base Per Mod is invalid: ‘Literal values are not allowed for array parameters. Use a Make Array node instead’
Error Default value ‘’ for Current Per Mod is invalid: ‘Literal values are not allowed for array parameters. Use a Make Array node instead’
Error Name collision - function and property have the same name - ‘AgiMod’. Agi Mod
Error Name collision - function and property have the same name - ‘StaMod’. Sta Mod
Error Default value ‘’ for Base Str Mod is invalid: ‘Literal values are not allowed for array parameters. Use a Make Array node instead’
Error Default value ‘’ for Current Str Mod is invalid: ‘Literal values are not allowed for array parameters. Use a Make Array node instead’
Error Name collision - function and property have the same name - ‘Charisma’. Charisma
Error Name collision - function and property have the same name - ‘Willpower’. Willpower
Error Name collision - function and property have the same name - ‘Wits’. Wits
Error Name collision - function and property have the same name - ‘Intelligence’. Intelligence
Error Name collision - function and property have the same name - ‘Perception’. Perception
Error Name collision - function and property have the same name - ‘Agility’. Agility
Error Name collision - function and property have the same name - ‘Stamina’. Stamina
Error Default value ‘’ for Base Str is invalid: ‘Literal values are not allowed for array parameters. Use a Make Array node instead’
Error Default value ‘’ for Current Str is invalid: ‘Literal values are not allowed for array parameters. Use a Make Array node instead’
Error Default value ‘’ for Base JD is invalid: ‘Literal values are not allowed for array parameters. Use a Make Array node instead’
Error Default value ‘’ for Current JD is invalid: ‘Literal values are not allowed for array parameters. Use a Make Array node instead’
Error Default value ‘’ for Base DD is invalid: ‘Literal values are not allowed for array parameters. Use a Make Array node instead’
Error Default value ‘’ for Current DD is invalid: ‘Literal values are not allowed for array parameters. Use a Make Array node instead’
Error Default value ‘’ for Base PD is invalid: ‘Literal values are not allowed for array parameters. Use a Make Array node instead’
Error Default value ‘’ for Current PD is invalid: ‘Literal values are not allowed for array parameters. Use a Make Array node instead’
Error Default value ‘’ for Base MD is invalid: ‘Literal values are not allowed for array parameters. Use a Make Array node instead’
Error Default value ‘’ for Current MD is invalid: ‘Literal values are not allowed for array parameters. Use a Make Array node instead’
Warning [1293.84] Compile of KralisCharacter_Master failed. 42 Fatal Issue(s) 0 Warning(s) [in 316 ms]