Blueprint debugging breaks if you hit an object reference

Prior to UE5, viewing object references at a blueprint breakpoint were limited in you could only see their name. With UE5 we have the ability to inspect a references member variables - which is very powerful. However, it seems that when you hover over a member variable the editor does some kind of process on every actor/object in the level before it returns control to you. So if your scene is mostly empty, this hang is maybe 5-20 seconds. However if you have lots of actors (in my case, about 300k), then it can take a long time (in my case, over an hour).

Does anyone know if there is a way to turn this feature off? I can’t seem to find anything that would pertain to this and can’t find any other posts about this. It really makes debugging BP’s impossible because if you accidentally hover over an object reference then you have locked your editor and must kill the task and restart it. It makes your blueprints feel like a minefield as you surgically move your mouse hoping to never accidentally hit an object reference.

Ok I have found the answer to turning the option off:

I don’t know why this causes an editor lockup in some cases and not others. Shortly after posting this topic I went back to try some things and my editor was responding fine to enhanced tooltips on object references. Then a few hours later I hit a break point, point to a reference (in this case, off the player pawn) and bam, editor is unresponsive.

If anyone has insight into this I would appreciate it. But for now marking as resolved.

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