Blueprint communication to character anim bp?

I’ve been expanding on the Third Person blueprint tutorial and I was trying to get the character blueprint to notify the character anim bp when an InputAction occurs buuuut after trying to use an object variable that holds the character blue print ref and a public variable, I can’t seem to get a boolean to update (in the character bp) so I can change a boolean in the character anim bp.

I’m starting to wonder if there simply is no way to communicate to the anim bp event graph (or any aspect of it).

Maybe there’s a better way to pass values/events to the character anim bp?


Same issue as me - BP vs ABP values - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums

I’m pretty sure it’s explained in the blueprint character/third person tutorials in the official youtube channel. I remember them creating it from scratch with blueprint input, so it should be there.

I haven’t seen that video can you link it? Also i have copied multiple different ways that aapparently work from forum posts and they are all broken for me.

If it’s not enough, try checking other videos in the same tutorial series.