Blueprint communication problem

Hi. Im new to blueprints and help is welcome as detailed as possible, thx.
I have here a turret made of 3 parts.

And it works like this.

Inside a blueprint.

Then i decided to make it able to spawn by blueprints. Spawning a group doesnt work because objects inside a group doesnt spawn along. Then i put two blueprints inside a blueprint.

Inside the blueprint.

And here is the sample how it works and not. Turret traces the player character with no problems. But not the ball. So how referring to the ball data from inside a blueprint inside a blueprint?
Im trying to do somekind of prefab thing to able to spawn it as an entity.

I thought i had it. But nope.

Option 1 rotates whole thing.
Option 2 gives change to select which part rotates, but rotations are pretty strange. It appears that it takes the rotation from the angle of the object at the scene.