Big Money. Simple Project. Simulated Human Baby AI.

Project is Simulated Human Baby AI. Sorry for money-boasting, I can only pay the minimum, however, later, once the AI is impressive (soon), I’ll obviously, instead of paying 400USD, pay ex. 500USD.

The current job to be done:


Setup physics to be most real-life like as possible. Add FleX.

Make all bones (or mesh areas around bones) have corresponding mass. Mesh keeps body mesh firm ex. no need skull.

Every 0.25 seconds each external body motor (each bone is 3 motors! > x y z axis (using local axis not global axis)) receives its own unique randomly Generated action for motor direction and speed (not rotating to a location but rather continuing until times up) but not duration. Sometimes ex. bone 7’s motor z’s action is a zero-action action, sometimes it’s a blank.

Make the highest possible speed as fast as we could move our own baby motors.

Constraints so all motors/bones cannot go past a certain point ex. can’t infinitely turn neck or bend the finger back.

Email me at

Somebody was quite drunk while posting this I believe

I guess he was pretty drunk and high at the same time, haha.

I am complexed at the replies.

I am neither drunk nor on drugs.

This is my life. This made me want to almost cry, or cringe.

Do you mind explaining what is the problem?

I’m giving you money, creating something amazing, and the first jobs are simple.

Sure the first jobs ask for stuff that isn’t NEEDED like “improve its mesh ears”, but that’s nothing to be upset about, more money. And sure the simple tasks like “make the baby randomly move” may involve technical things like making its bones act as 3 motors and have mass, but again, I’m giving you money.

Anything in the later jobs that looks confusing, I will clarify. First jobs come first. Is there anything I can clarify in the first jobs? They look at least grasp-able to start chatting about. This doesn’t warrant such comments.

I think (partially) they are talking about the kind of money you are suggesting.
Add one, sometimes even two zero’s and you are closer to what people who make that kind of stuff do would ask for it.

Ok let’s look at Job 1.

I was initially thinking that if someone was used to doing this stuff and fast at doing it, it may be around $300, being like $12 CAD per hour, and just enough work to do the job but not neccessarily make it look super perfect (some body parts only need refining).

Tell me if the following is a better estimate. I didn’t really want to pay so much on the 1st job with no results I’m looking for ex. the baby jiggling around in job 2.

JOB 1 - RIG - $920 CAD


  • If you use my humanoid baby, you must finish the bones (motors/muscles) in its face/mouth including tongue (no vocal cords) to be as close to real-life as possible.
  • Bones have corresponding mass plus keep mesh in form plus act as contracting retracting motor muscles.

*Make the following as close to real-life as possible so the human baby AI has the best chances of learning and so it has the best chances of looking like a real human baby:

  • Body is 1 mesh no visual/simulatable segments or ball-joints.

  • Finish ears.

  • Finish female genital, bum cheeks, bum hole.

  • We’ll make its spine only a bit C-shaped than S-shaped (theirs is like that until starts crawling and walking). We don’t really want to start mimicking baby development as the program runs.

  • I’ll pick the non-glossy realistic body and nail color in my UE4, we’re making it look like the baby pictures I rendered in Blender.

  • Attach 2 cameras that have motor control, motor control for focus without ex. crossing eyes, and motor control for eye crossing to meet at a certain distance (needed even if only 1 eye exists (explained later)), which are connected and when one turns or even rotates an amount the other turns/rotates by the same amount, and are pre-set so they meet a point. For now don’t add motor control for looking/feeling around without moving eyes/body.

Make sure this will work with JOB 2 below.

Show me a thorough demonstration video of it in effect, and the baby falling by gravity showing that the bones have mass, then receive payment and I receive project.

Where did your post go UbiCrystal? (I read it from my email)

Everyone start giving your offer. How much is the first job worth?

If job 1 (easy) is not $920 CAD and is like 3,000, then all 10 jobs would equal like 100,000…all 10 jobs cannot be 1 million nor even 100,000 dollars…

Uhh, before this whole topic turns into flame wars. Folks remember that only constructive criticism is welcome .

I think both sides underestimate work needed (other overestimates). IMO original post demands quite a lot, those tasks are not trivial at all. None of them can be done in a week or two, and each step salary is worth about week or two of work. Also that sentence " to be as close to real-life as possible" implies some above average quality requirements. Somebody who can create great models will probably not work for below average payment.

And one more thing, op expects one man orchestra, somebody skilled with modelling, animation and coding. Yes you can get more people, but then that salary split between 2 or 3 people makes it totally not worth.

's why I assume Job 1 would only take a few days. It could take a week, but I don’t think so if we work normally fast.

Look closely below at Job 1’s tasks. There is only 4 types of jobs, type 0 are not even work or take only a few minutes.

Type 0

  • Body is 1 mesh no visual/simulatable segments or ball-joints.

  • We’ll make its spine only a bit C-shaped than S-shaped (theirs is like that until starts crawling and walking). We don’t really want to start mimicking baby development as the program runs.

  • I’ll pick the non-glossy realistic body and nail color in my UE4, we’re making it look like the baby pictures I rendered in Blender.

Make sure this will work with JOB 2 below.

Show me a thorough demonstration video of it in effect, and the baby falling by gravity showing that the bones have mass, then receive payment and I receive project.

Type 2: 2 of the jobs are improving my baby’s mesh - simple fixes and enhancements.

*Make the following as close to real-life as possible so the human baby AI has the best chances of learning and so it has the best chances of looking like a real human baby:

  • Finish ears.

  • Finish female genital, bum cheeks, bum hole.

Type 3:

  • Attach 2 cameras that CAN later have motor control, motor control for focus without ex. crossing eyes, and motor control for eye crossing to meet at a certain distance (needed even if only 1 eye exists (explained later)), which are connected and when one turns or even rotates an amount the other turns/rotates by the same amount, and are pre-set so they meet a point. For now don’t add motor control for looking/feeling around without moving eyes/body.

Type 4: The bones, yes some work needed, but over a week? If you sit there for 5 hours for 1 day aren’t you skilled and fast enough to whip it together? I’ve seen such videos.

  • If you use my humanoid baby, you must finish the bones (motors/muscles) in its face/mouth including tongue (no vocal cords) to be as close to real-life as possible.
  • Bones have corresponding mass plus keep mesh in form plus act as contracting retracting motor muscles.

How much would anyone want for doing the following?:

  • Add bones in face, mouth, and tongue (no vocal cords).

  • Make all bones have corresponding mass.

  • Attach 2 eye cameras. Eyes are connected. When one turns or rotates (like a camera lens) an amount the other turns/rotates by the same amount, and are pre-set so they meet a point.

  • They are able to swivel in x y z, motor control for focus without ex. crossing eyes, and motor control for eye-crossing to meet at a certain distance.

Thread opening post updated.

Edit button broke and made a separate post.

I’ll try to be constructive . There are several major problems.

You need a programmer, modeler, rigger, etc. You are offering payment that wouldn’t even be suitable to hire one person. You would need increase pay by at two orders of magnitude to even start getting offers for the requirements you have laid forth.

Your English isn’t very good. Large sections of your post don’t make sense to native English speakers.

In places your English is fine, you use unprofessional phrasing, such as “bum hole.” “," would be more appropriate. The prior paints yourself as “guy who likes bum holes” whereas the latter paints yourself as a professional looking to create an application that involves anatomical simulation.
EDIT: Looks like Epic has a problem with the word "
.” I’m really not sure what to do then…

The things you are asking for waver between entirely impractical/unfeasible and incredibly niche.

“You need a programmer, modeler, rigger, etc.”

Yes but not for an individual task. I don’t need a one man orchestra.

“You are offering payment that wouldn’t even be suitable to hire one person. You would need increase pay by at two orders of magnitude to even start getting offers for the requirements you have laid forth.”
“Your English isn’t very good. Large sections of your post don’t make sense to native English speakers.”

$15.00USD per hour, 5 hours per day, for 6 days = $450.00USD. Most jobs fall around this. I’m sorry my jobs are written poorly at the moment, I’d write the main post neater but I want it to match my compact one on my desktop. But I can rewrite the job below. Someone is willing to do Job 2 for $350.00USD. But I want it in UE4 not Unity.

“In places your English is fine, you use unprofessional phrasing, such as “bum hole.” “," would be more appropriate. The prior paints yourself as “guy who likes bum holes” whereas the latter paints yourself as a professional looking to create an application that involves anatomical simulation.
EDIT: Looks like Epic has a problem with the word "
.” I’m really not sure what to do then…”

Haha. I used the right word then if Epic turns it to stars! As explained in the intro, it’s for Artificial Intelligence. Also explained in the intro, purple text is completed jobs, I already completed these jobs myself.

I’m at a point where probably in 7 days I’ll define whether the project will be done in UE4 or Unity, so unless you can match his price of $350.00USD for Job 2, I’ll go Unity…I wish it was UE4.


Setup physics to be most real-life like as possible. Add FleX.

Make all bones (or mesh areas around bones) have corresponding mass. Mesh keeps body mesh firm ex. no need skull.

Every 0.25 seconds each external body motor (each bone is 3 motors! > x y z axis (using local axis not global axis)) receives its own unique randomly Generated action for motor direction and speed (not rotating to a location but rather continuing until times up) but not duration. Sometimes ex. bone 7’s motor z’s action is a zero-action action, sometimes it’s a blank.

Make the highest possible speed as fast as we could move our own baby motors.

Constraints so all motors/bones cannot go past a certain point ex. can’t infinitely turn neck or bend the finger back.

$15.00USD per hour is barely enough for somebody to survive in the cheapest county in the United States.

US minimum wage is around 9USD as of 2017.

Dependless, he said 350USD for that job above. What’s your price?

You get what you pay for, be careful…

6 hours of work doesn’t give you 5 billion hours of work, it gives 6 hours of work. Finding oil shouldn’t give you 1 billion dollars. If 2 people were in a desert and 1 found oil, I’d kick my partner if I had to serve him for the next trillion years. Plus the find is supposed to advance us both.

I would get what I pay. If I pay x which = product x (with a small gain for you), then I get almost exactly what I payed. Of course this is wage - the length of payment I calculated yesterday was reasoned well (explained below) and based on this wage system.

It’s not like yous are getting 9USD at McDonalds, my pretty rough calculation was like 15USD per hour for you coders/etc bro…

Do yous hate using UE4? Seriously, is it hard to use? I cannot even dive into it. As for Unity, completely no diving - bad UI.

I can show you my gmail emails. This guy said IN 2/3 DAYS he can do that job in bold letters above for 350USD ! And even that price is high because he said 2/3 days worth of work (maybe 4 maybe 8 hours per day).

I’m finding UE4 to be expensive. Above a few posts in big bold letters I gave a job in better and simple English, so, surely you can now see it’s not such a lengthy hard task and therefore not think expensive-expensive like you might have been thinking.

Btw does the forum like big threads like this or small job posts? The mods told me to keep to 1 thread. That forever dooms me a chance with my AI if no one is able to handle the mass of text now and realize my job is pretty simple.

Your job is absolutely nowhere near simple and you aren’t going to get any qualified applicants while offering the wage of somebody that manages burger flippers. If your original post is not accurate, edit it.