Better Camera Shake support for Cinematics

From what I have seen, you can animate the values for camera shake such as amplitude and frequency, BUT you need to create a camera shake Blueprint and the animated shake data gets stored in a separate Camera Shake Animation sequence, which then gets loaded onto the camera.

In my experience this isn’t really helpful at all and I rarely ever need to reuse the same camera shake data in several shots. Rather, I just animate the shake values per-shot along with the transforms and lens settings. In Cry Engine (at least our version for Star Citizen), camera shake data is just stored as a node on the camera that can be animated just like any other property, such as transforms, focal length, focal distance, aperture, etc. It is SO much more convenient compared to how (I believe, anyway) Unreal handles it. Whilst having access to reuseable camera shake assets is nice and all (and should definitely stay, ofc), it’d be great to be able to simply add a camera shake track to a cine camera in my main shot sequence, and animate the shake values directly in there.

No external camera shake data assets to have to keep track of, just store the data in the shot itself like every other camera property. It’d be great to get this some day in UE5 if it’s not already a thing.

*If I am mistaken and it’s actually possible somehow, please let me know! :slight_smile: I’ve been trying to find a better solution but so far none are as convenient as Cry Engine’s way of doing it. It’s simple, and it just works. No need to complicate it with multiple layers of animation files in situations where it’s not needed in my opinion.