Best way to test online mutiplayer

Hi all,

So I’ve recently been ask to start converting parts of a project to make them compatible with online sessions. Now, I have a basic understanding of replication in UE4 ( this resource is probably the best thing out there) but I still struggle to understand how are we meant to properly test/debug the code.

So first of all, whether I’m playing on single process vs standalone, RPC events seem to behave differently? But most annoyingly, playing in a package build sometime seem to add its lot of weird behaviours? For example, the HUD is being created with OnPostLogin() which fires fine in packaged but not in editor. I’m at a point where I’m having to package every time I want to be sure something works which… works but there’s got to be a better way right?

Secondly, are we not meant to be able to connect two standalone instances (launched from the editor) with the Editor Multiplayer Mode set to offline? For example, how should we go about testing the connection process between players from withing the editor?