Best way for first person rendering?

I am a 3D artist who has been having issues with rendering certain ways. I was recently told the best method for rendering how I want would be with Unreal. My question is. What is the best method for being able to render first person without the body and at a high quality? Most of what I would be working on is static renders for books and such.

(Also can someone point me to a thread about creating menus for each character in the scene so I can choose the outfit, pose etc that I want at any time. I am sorta just diving into the python head first hoping to survive lol.)

You can check Unreal’s video tutorials, you will find those really helpful to start with


Unreal would absolutely excel at that. I would run through the official epic tutorial series on any topics that relate to your work. Setting up game mode, making a UI, and altering character meshes would be areas to focus on.