Behavior Tree MoveTo with Flying Character

When I set Movement Mode to Flying, “Move To” from Behavior Tree isn’t working correctly. Target need to be really near floor, can’t be higher. If it will be higher (I’ve an interior) Pawn won’t move at all.

Another thing is gravity - it’s always working and Pawn can’t reach the spot I want. It land on floor. I’ve disabled everything connected to gravity but without any results. (gravity bools, mass).

I have flying drone flying in interior and I’m curious if UE4 is supporting such characters at this point or should I create movement by myself.

Will be really grateful for help here!

If you’re using FloatingPawnMovement it doesn’t really work with navmesh movement just yet. It’s scheduled for 4.3 release.

However what you describe also looks like a navmesh projection issue. Every pathing location is projected to navmesh using defined navigation query extent. If destination point on navmesh cannot be found no movement is performed. Now there’s no option to specify navmesh query extent with BTTask_MoveTo, but you can configure default extent in your project’s settings under Project Settings > Navigation System > Supported Agents

A fully-featured free-flying navigation is in our backlog, but it’s not going to happen this year.



Any update on this from 2014? The BTTask_MoveDirectlyTo says it doesn’t need a navmesh, but it does for the reasons you mentioned with projecting to the navmesh, so it can’t be used for flying either.