Beginner Rotate Camera Problem

I just want to do a simple test and rotate my camera 45 degrees in code.

In UDK I used:

GetPlayerViewPoint(out vector out_Location, out Rotator out_Rotation)
    out_Location = CurrentCameraLocation;
    out_Rotation = CurrentCameraRotation;

while updating the variables in the player tick like so:

 DesiredCameraRotation = CameraProperties.CameraRotationOffset;
 CurrentCameraRotation +=(DesiredCameraRotation - CurrentCameraRotation ) * DeltaTime * CameraProperties.CameraRotationBlendSpeed;

 DesiredCameraLocation = Pawn.Location + (CameraProperties.CameraOffset >> CurrentCameraRotation);
 CurrentCameraLocation += (DesiredCameraLocation - CurrentCameraLocation) * DeltaTime * CameraProperties.CameraBlendSpeed;

These are things I’m trying in C++ but failing:

void ATutorialCodeCharacter::RotateCameraTest()

	const FRotator CameraRotation = FollowCamera->GetComponentRotation();
	const FRotator YawRotation(0, CameraRotation.Yaw, 0);

	CameraRotation.Yaw = 45;

	FollowCamera->SetActorRotation(FRotator(45, 45, 0));

What exactly does

const FRotator YawRotation(0, CameraRotation.Yaw, 0); 

do please?

If anyone could help that would be great thanks.