Beginner question regarding character movement and footsteps audio sync


I am a new developer and are working on a VR-poject in Karlstad, Sweden. I have some web development background and experience but not very good at back-end programming and c++ for example. We are basically looking on very many tutorials and trying our best to do what we want. I have built an apartment which I have a character in and made some movement systems. I imported audio files which I made to audio cues and materials of wood and carpet and the idea is to get different sounds when different materials is moved upon.

From a great tutorial I got the sound to work but only in forward/backward direction or left/right strafing, not both at the same time. This is a screen of my blueprint

As you can see that im outside of the movement are attaching the input axis forward/backward movement to a timeline and playrate. If i would do duplicate this and do the same with the inputaxis left/right it doesnt do anything, except that foward/backward still work. I have tried to find some node that can take boh inputs from both inputaxis, so that forward/backward and left/right goes to one node and then to setplayrate with for example float lerp and other floats just to get more inputs and with some I managed to get both axis to work but then either the both audios fired at the same time or that backwards didnt do anything. Im looking for a way (i guess a node) to get both these to work with the set play rate, how will I do this?

Many thanks in advance. UE4 is really fun!
