Beam from actor to actor(s)


I’m trying to make a beam that goes between 2 actors. Easy enough, but I’m trying to make it move between a certain part of both actors. Thats where the issues start.

I want the laser to start at the button of the Pokeball, and end at the centre of whatever Pokémon it’s pointing at. Also, I would like the laser to shoot towards the Pokémon (got that with speed option) and then shrink after a delay.

Is there any way to go about this?

Hello -

What you want to do is use a Blueprint to Set the Beam Source and Target and assign a socket on your pokeball and another on your pokemon which function to give you placements for your beam points.

Here is the Socket Setups:

Static Mesh

Skeletal Mesh

The Blueprint Implementation:

I have also attached a sample project showing you the full setup below.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

[Test Project 4.9.2][4]

Thank you so much! :smiley:

Is there a way I can dynamically change the beam’s target? And (on that note) How can I make the pokeball tell which pokemon it hit (if there are, say, 3 Eevees.)

You would have to do all of that in the blueprints. Just like I have the Get All Actors of Class, you can make your Eevees into a class and that Get All Actors of Class will get all of them in the level and store them into an array which you can then get one of them from that to act as a target.

You could also (if the Pokeball is being thrown) do a On Hit Event where the Hit Eevee is then used in the same way but without the Get All Actors of Class.

The Set Beam Target Node can be set on Tick as well (not ideal to run anything on Tick very poor performance), but you could set it to on a certain event happening reset the Target.

Eric Ketchum