Basketball MOBA using the unreal engine

Can someone point me in the right direction in making a basketball MOBA? any info is useful

The only information I would be able to think of(Due to my own lack of personal experiencing with development on this genre) is to just play and study mobas hardcore for a month straight if you can. After that you could probably sit down and review all of your information, figure what you need to start working on, and learn the programming/blueprinting as you go along.

A MOBA heh? All I can say is keep trying. Also try starting out small if this is your first game. I would suggest making a game in the ball templet. put a unique twist on it. It’s easy to do and those games are fun. Also Do you have a team to help you with your MOBA? Those types of games can take quite a bit of time to make.

lool what is a basketball moba?