I’ve been following a tutorial by Tom Looman [Basic Inventory System in Blueprint : Basic Inventory System in Blueprint - Tom Looman ](the 1st part I did in C++). It’s been several years since it’s been updated and many versions of UE has passed (though the tutorial is still brilliant). I managed to adapt some things for 4.21 (not sure if correctly though), but I’m stuck on the very last stage where you need to customize Post-Process for Item Highlighting . Probably I’m just blind cause I’m not able to find this piece of setups anywhere, even partially. Or some obvious piece of the instruction is missing and I couldn’t realize it. So, any clue where I can find it/how can I implement it?
Just FYI, I’m not a very skillful person in UE, almost a noobie, so my apologies in advance if it was way too easy to comprehend. And thanks.
when i was working with something similar the other day for someone i just selected the post process, went to the details panel and looked for the rendering features section, post process materials, add array element, set it to asset reference, then set your material.
its shown in [this][1] tutorial at about 9:30

Thank you for your answer. I did find it out when I was trying to solve it, but it didn’t work out, and I thought that it was wrong. I guess I messed up something before that as well, cause the whole thing doesn’t work at all.
I re-compared the BPs, and I think maybe something got wrong here? (see attachments) Comparing with other dissimilarities (which are probably change of design through versions or smth), these ones are completely different, or I don’t know, I’m not an expert.
It’s in the BP_PickupActor Section of the article, subsection BeginFocus & EndFocus.
Also, another concerning thing: is it just the thing in the old version, that when Tom created an actor variable, its container on the right is set to the grid which is an array (and in current version it stays the single variable), but in this BP array doesn’t go very well? (later though a variable with an array container is created and it’s pretty clear).