Hello Guys,
I recently watched the epic “The Making of the McLaren Car Configurator” video and inspired.
I would like to do a similar experience in Virtual reality using the HTC VIVE. I’d like to create a system where by you explode the panels off the car walk around the floating pieces and interactively make changes.
This will all happen in and underground bunker and at the end of the configuration the roof will open and both the floor and car will raise up and reveal a massive terrain and your custom car drives off into the sunset.
Below is a youtube link to my very quick and very **** previz out of maya to basically describe the concept
My questions are this…
If i do multiple car animations within maya. (like the panels exploding off and on, or the car driving forward with wheels spinning) how would i then bring them into unreal, and how would i have the different animations fire off from a vive control motion or command? In my previz i just set keyframes and translated boxes on a very primitive model. For the real thing would i have to rig it? If so then how complicated would it have to be? Box rig? Skeletal rig? Or could i just animate it with out a rig in maya and export it as an fbx and have the animation come over with the file?
All of my work has been with static meshes doing architectural designs so this whole dynamic non/partly baked lighting and bringing in animations done outside of unreal is new to me so if anyone could shed any advice on the lighting, texturing or animation process I shall buy you a drink… If you live in london… And then maybe hire you for some freelance work
Kind Regards