Asset Picker Context Menu Auto-Selects If Too Big

If the asset picker context menu is too big to be spawned under the cursor, when you single click it will auto select the UI element under the cursor as opposed to keeping the context menu open as what happens when there is enough room to create the menu under the cursor.

More easily conveyed in gif form. Smoother mp4 video of issue linked below.


Hey Allar,

Do you see this behavior with any context menu? If not, what menus does this occur for? I’m not seeing the same behavior in the details panel of a viewport actor. If the context menu doesn’t below the mouse then it appears above the mouse instead. Please let me know if there are any specific steps to reproduce the behavior you’re seeing.

Hey Allar-

We have not heard back from you in a while, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will follow up.
