Asking for working EU4 + VXGI build

Hello, ue community!
I’m asking for help.
Tried to compile working version of ue4 editor with VXGI tech by link and didn’t succeed.
Could someone compile and share working build of this branch?
I’ve got i3930k + gtx970, so my hardware is capable to run this compilation.

Thanks in advance!

Hey van4eus-

Are you able to download/compile the engine from the master branch ( or does it fail at the same point? Let us know if you’re able to do this.


First post on the board and already asking for something!

Surely that is what the forums are for? Asking for help from the seasoned veterans, no? What was your first post?

Thanks for the reply, .
I successfully compiled 4.8.0 build and it’s working.
Just can’t do the same thing with VXGI branch, maybe I just do something wrong… After compilation I get crash on 9% loading of editor.

I got the editor crash when first start up of VXGI branch build, but after I recompile ShaderCompileWorkder project, everything works fine then.

Hey ULLS, how/where can i recompile the ShaderCompileWorkder project? I am getting a first/second chance not available error when i launch he latest VXGI build from the .exe and a break point when i launch from VS.

Thanks in advance!

When you open the project in VS, you have a panel on the left with your project content. There are two main folders: Engine and Programs. You can find the ShaderCompileWorker under Programs, right click and choose Build.
Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Thanks for the info! So i tried that for the VXGI build then tried to run the it again and still got the break point so i clicked continue and the end of the log said:

“[6192] UE4Editor.exe’ has exited with code 3 (0x3)”

Does this mean anything to anyone?

when you run setup.bat do you get a message saying “do you want to override…”,if you do say no.

Hmm, if i did or not and if so what i clicked. I will start over and see if that pops up and make sure to click no if so, thanks for the suggestion.

Hello Guys
After building the UE4 and ShadeCompileWorker
Do I need to keep all the files downloaded from github ?
appreciate help

Yes, also please try to avoid bumping topics which are ~ 2 years old.


Hello Guys

i building vxgi and worked but when try for render and teak screenshot i saw this massage.
**when i build ue4 and shader compile worker select together and build. maybe this was my mistake. **
please help me.

Assertion failed: BytesPerPixel [File:L:\UnrealEngine-VXGI-4.18\Engine\Source\Runtime\Windows\D3D11RHI\Private\D3D11RenderTarget.cpp] [Line: 514]

UE4Editor_Core!FDebug::AssertFailed() [l:\unrealengine-vxgi-4.18\engine\source\runtime\core\private\misc\assertionmacros.cpp:414]
UE4Editor_D3D11RHI!ComputeBytesPerPixel() [l:\unrealengine-vxgi-4.18\engine\source\runtime\windows\d3d11rhi\private\d3d11rendertarget.cpp:516]
UE4Editor_D3D11RHI!FD3D11DynamicRHI::ReadSurfaceDataNoMSAARaw() [l:\unrealengine-vxgi-4.18\engine\source\runtime\windows\d3d11rhi\private\d3d11rendertarget.cpp:599]
UE4Editor_D3D11RHI!FD3D11DynamicRHI::RHIReadSurfaceData() [l:\unrealengine-vxgi-4.18\engine\source\runtime\windows\d3d11rhi\private\d3d11rendertarget.cpp:960]
UE4Editor_RHI!FRHICommandListImmediate::ReadSurfaceData() [l:\unrealengine-vxgi-4.18\engine\source\runtime\rhi\public\rhicommandlist.h:4222]
UE4Editor_Engine!TGraphTask<FRenderTarget::ReadPixels'::2’::EURCMacro_ReadSurfaceCommand>::ExecuteTask() [l:\unrealengine-vxgi-4.18\engine\source\runtime\core\public\async askgraphinterfaces.h:784]
UE4Editor_Core!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksNamedThread() [l:\unrealengine-vxgi-4.18\engine\source\runtime\core\private\async askgraph.cpp:651]
UE4Editor_Core!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksUntilQuit() [l:\unrealengine-vxgi-4.18\engine\source\runtime\core\private\async askgraph.cpp:560]
UE4Editor_RenderCore!RenderingThreadMain() [l:\unrealengine-vxgi-4.18\engine\source\runtime\rendercore\private\renderingthread.cpp:327]
UE4Editor_RenderCore!FRenderingThread::Run() [l:\unrealengine-vxgi-4.18\engine\source\runtime\rendercore\private\renderingthread.cpp:461]
UE4Editor_Core!FRunnableThreadWin::Run() [l:\unrealengine-vxgi-4.18\engine\source\runtime\core\private\windows\windowsrunnablethread.cpp:76]