Apply Damage is triggered 2 times with 50% of the value

Hello and thank you for your time already.
This is my first time posting and I’m a beginner in Unreal Engine so sorry if my question is not in the right place or if it’s a stupid question.

I’m trying to apply some AOE damage via a projectile. I’m looping through each actors in a sphere overlap and applying damage. After applying damage, I’m looping to apply some “burning effect” that will deal damage every second. I’m using the BP below :

My problem is that it’s dealing 50% of the damage → damage from the burning effect → 50% of the damage. See the gif below for better explanation :

From my understanding, since I’m using apply damage node first it should deal the damage and then applying the burning effect.

What am I missing here ? Any help would be extremely appreciate.
Thanks in advance.

It’s kinda hard to tell what’s going on from that piece of code. I’d try disconnecting the stuff after the first damage call, and see if things happen as they should. Then gradually reconnect the rest, possibly with some print statement interspersed.

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