Any Problems Using Substance Designer/Painter With The Unreal Engine..?

The Indie bundle of Substance Designer, Substance Painter and B2M is on sale at the moment for $199 and after messing around with the 30 day demo I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s a REALLY nice piece of kit and is VERY reasonably priced.

I’m going to be pulling the trigger on Friday (The sale ends on Saturday) so before I do are there any problems with substances playing nice with the Unreal Engine…?

Many thanks in advance for any help! :smiley:

Substance can export out textures that can be used in any 3D software so there’s no issue with compatibility there, and with UE4 it has support for Substance materials which allows you to do some cool effects within the game.

Brilliant, thanks for the help! I’ll be getting that on Friday then as long as someone gives me the £595 that they owe me.

It really is a fantastic piece of software, it’s going to be right up there with UV Layout Pro as far as time saving goes!