Any guides out there for 2D AI production?

I got Unreal to make some 2D games, and am finally to the point where I want to add AI actors into my platformer, but have no idea how to create AI for a 2D game (and all the tutorial videos for AI on youtube are for 3D games, which I assume are more complicated than a 2D one) so I figured i would ask if any guides for this exist.

In Construct (my previous game engine) it was as simple as “Tell AI to walk to invisible block, then turn and walk the other way”, but I doubt its that easy in Unreal. :stuck_out_tongue:

There is a basic AI tutoral on Unreal engine page on youtube: Basic AI Tutorial
It sould help with some simple movement like the: “Tell AI to walk to invisible block, then turn and walk the other way”
If you need some more advanced AI there is an other Tutorial on the same youtube page:Setting up advanced AI

Hope it helps :slight_smile:

Ohhh, thanks then man, I was worried that coding 3D AI might be different from 2D AI, as I have no experience with 3D. Wasnt sure if a tut for 3D would work for 2D due to different systems and whatnot :slight_smile:

I’ve been learning the engine by following the “making a 2D sidescroller” video series they’ve made but sadly that series has yet to get to making enemies.