I am new to both UE4, and C++. I usually program in C#, but use lots of other different languages depending on what I am doing. But C# has little to no library’s for video game development. So I thought I would take up the task of self-learning C++ along with UE4. Now I have only been at it for a week of self-learning. But as I was reading Scalability Reference | Unreal Engine Documentation I was shocked that it would limit the choices of Anti-Aliasing.
My GPU can handle up to 16x Anti-aliasing, and when UE4 seems to only be able to handle up to 6x. I was a little put off. I am sure the feature GPU(s) will be able to do much more. As tech will ultimately get better. I would prefer to just load the available values from the GPU instead of having to hard code the values. Now I had a similar shock to the way UE4 handles screen resolutions. But I was able to load a list of available resolutions, and set it. I am not seeing how to do that same thing dynamically with AA. Am I missing something?
Also I find it odd that UE4 doesn’t just offer more different kinds of basic widgets. Such as a basic graphics options widget. I feel like most developers would want something like that. Just drag and drop a widget in. And than just delete the button/settings you don’t want. Maybe I just missed it. But for a game making tool like UE4; I feel it would be much appreciated.
Third and final question. Why can’t I hide and show panels? At first I was just going to make one widget to host my menu and sub menus in. But for some reason I couldn’t figure out how to pragmatically make a panel like the horizontal one change visibility. Like hide a panel based off a button click in order to show a different one. Is there a reason why you can’t access panels in the graph section of the widget? Seems extremely odd to me. So for a work around I just made each panel it’s own widget.