Annoying light flickering

I have been trying to solve the problem of flickering light for a long time since version 4.25 (now I have 4.27)
You can see the problem in the video. (All light sources randomly blink in the viewport)

The mobility of the light source does not change the situation.
I have GTX 1050, 32GB RAM, Core I7

I notice you’re getting a pretty bad frame rate there, are you running lots of code for something?

Are these point lights?

Yes, the frame rate is pretty bad. The scene hasn’t been optimized yet. As a source, I use a blueprint with a spot light placed in it. There are no more blueprints in the project. If I place a point light next to it, it blinks just like everyone else.

No code in the blueprint, or level blueprint?

Something is massively loading the system, probably figuring out what that is, will get you to the bottom of the lights problem.

With that scene, you should be running at 120fps flat out.

Thanks for your reply!
I mean, I didn’t create any blueprints in the scene other than a actor blueprint with a spot light inside only that is blinking.
The project has a huge number of other objects that are on a different level. Perhaps this has an effect on performance?

No, that won’t affect it, only this level.

Take a look in wireframe mode, do you have high poly meshes?
