I have an animation that doesn’t glitch out with root motion turned off, but when I turn it on it freaks out at the end of the animation and the character does a little spin. The capsule doesn’t appear to move during this (so I am assuming it’s just animation related). The root motion moves the character correctly, it’s just this freak out at the end of playing the animation.
I have root motion ticked, set to anim first frame and the animation doesn’t have this issue when it’s looping in preview.
I made sure the root bone only travels along the 1 axis and never rotates etc. Any idea’s what the issue would be?
I’m sorry I don’t have footage of it as I have no recording software.
I’ve been working on animations for the last two days and am so over it haha!
I am really hoping it’s something stupidly simple that I just haven’t done.
Actually, no I have no Idea. If I import a similar Animation I know to work from UE4 to Blender, both the animation in question and the working animation are facing the same way.
Finally installed some screen capture software, hoping for some assistance. Perhaps it has something to do with running the Calculate Direction node? Disabling this stops the issue, but obviously using it to get the characters direction for the standard movement animations (as not using root motion for anything else).
So over animations and I’ve barely begun haha, but if I can resolve this I should be right with the rest.