Hi guys,
Noobie question here. I’m looking to create a popgun ammunition animation. Right now I’m just using a shotgun with a shotgun shell sticking out the front of the muzzle. The requirement is that when the shoot button is pushed, the shell will travel forward at x speed for x length (about 24 in) unless it collides with something, then bounce back x length and then drop. After x seconds, the player char will automatically reload the shell in the muzzle. A string should be attached to the shell.
- I’ve looked into using Projectile Movement but that appears to be catered to “spawned” projectiles that travel until it hits something.
- I’ve also tried using a Sequence with Delay to move the shell forward but this is hard to make dynamic and I know there has to be a better way.
- I feel like making an animation sequence would be simple but then collision wouldn’t be handled properly. I’m not too concerned with physics being represented 100% accurately. For example, bouncing off a wall vs bouncing off a humanoid. If the projectile doesn’t react to collision, it’s not the end of the world. So if it looks like it’s traveling through a wall or char, that’s ok but not the most desirable. It will come down to ROI.
I’m not looking for this forum to provide a full solution but more to set me on the path to righteousness. I want to implement this the right way so it doesn’t look janky and doesn’t cause issues down the road.
Any help is appreciated.