Anim notify for not compatible ABP

Anim notify is only for compatible Anim blueprints? I want to use unique skeleton animation montage asset to quinn Animblueprint.

However,event Anim notify for the anim montage is not apper. Why is it?

I want to use ABP quinn and animmontage attack. In the animmontage attack, there is animnotify Hitready.
However, Event hitready is not appear in the abp quinn. why is it?

Hi, not sure if I understand your question correctly. But yes, anim notifies are saved in skeleton asset and are available only in ABPs that are made for this skeleton.

If you want to use that montage with another skeleton, just retarget animation. Then if you add anim notify in retargeted anim, it should be visible in ABP.

Also maybe just try creating that notify in any anim matching the skeleton, then it will be visible in your abp - but I’m not sure if it will trigger this way.


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