Android Client cannot connect to Windows 64-bit dedicated server in UE4 4.12.2 source latest release

Problem: Android Client cannot connect to Windows 64-bit dedicated server in UE4 4.12.2 source latest release

Windows 64-bit client connects well to the server, and android-19 ES2/ES3.1 target compiles/works standalone.
When android client uses the console command “open zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz” it loads/waits a bit, similar to Windows
client, then throws the app to background (not closing it) and goes to android home screen (galaxy s6 edge).
The game returns to the usual single player local mode after the failed connection attempt. I dont have server
or client logs available at the moment. The android client app actually seems like crashing, because it shows
the splash screen when returning to the app by switch applications button. If just pure connection problem
then it would load the default local client level again without the splash screen.

Complication was done from source with Visual Studio 2015 and the installed android package is the latest
from the drop-down menu, something like 1R4u2. The same problem is with ES2 APK and ES3.1 APK.

And yes, all clients and the server packages were compiled/packaged from the same version of the game.

Any tweaks to get it working? Actually same question for the HTML5 networking from the server side…

edit: additional problems with getting materials to compile to android, even some of the starter materials…