Hello so, u was trying to make a level for my platformer game, while making it i found it difficult to find individual assets to drag and drop to the world each time from the content browser. So i wanted to know is there any inbuilt editor tool that can help in easing this process. If its not available can anyone help with a step by process in creating a tool to store the static mesh details then drag and drop them to the level whenever need.
Thank you in advanced.
Hi FOOZA2907,
In the bottom/left of your Content Browser you have a sections for “Collections”, just click the “+” to create a new collection, then drag assets from the content browser into there to store your collection - that makes it much easier to find them…
ooh icic ty will try it are there any other ways besides this? just wanted to know
mainly that, and if you use a filter in the Content Browser (eg filter to show StaticMeshes) or a name search - it searches and displays assets from all folders recursively - this can be handy to find sets of assets quickly. Naming you assets with thoughtful structures can help too.
ty for ure tips
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