I have a character which has other actors attached to it. Those other actors has skeletal meshes. Best example is weapon attachment.
On client i can see all replicated skeletal meshes in zero world coordinates, but also this skeletal meshes are attached to my character correctly, and editor shows only one instance of actors which has this meshes. So it looks so - i can see weapon in character hands, but also i can see this weapon in zero world coordinates, and i have only once instance of weapon actor in editor actors list.
If i attach 2-3 or more weapons, i can see all of them in world zero coordinates on client side.
Actor constructor:
bReplicates = true;
bNetUseOwnerRelevancy = true;
bAlwaysRelevant = true;
PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;
PrimaryActorTick.TickGroup = TG_PrePhysics;
Attachment code:
if (auto socket = CharMesh->GetSocketByName(attachPoint))
Mesh->AttachTo(CharMesh, attachPoint, EAttachLocation::KeepRelativeOffset);
Mesh->SetHiddenInGame(false, true);
Mesh->bOwnerNoSee = false;
Mesh->bOnlyOwnerSee = true;
Mesh->bCastHiddenShadow = false;
Mesh->CastShadow = false;
Mesh->bReceivesDecals = false;
Should be something additionaly done or is it a bug?